Your risk per a trade should never exceed 3% per trade. It's better to adjust your risk to 1% or 2%
We prefer a risk of 1% but if you are confident in your trading system then you can lever your risk up to 3%
1% risk of a 100,000$ account = 1,000$
You should adjust your stop loss so that you never lose more than 1,000$ per a single trade.
If you are a short term trader and you place your stop loss 50 pips below/above your entry point .
50 pips = 1,000$
1 pips = 20$
The size of your trade should be adjusted so that you risk 20$/pip. With 20:1 leverage,your trade size will be 200,000$
If the trade is stopped, you will lose 1,000$ which is 1% of your balance.
This trade will require 10,000$ = 10% of your balance.
If you are a long term trader and you place your stop loss 200 pips below/above your entry point.
200 pips = 1,000$
1 pip = 5$
The size of your trade should be adjusted so that you risk 5$/pip. With 20:1 leverage, your trade size will be 50,000$
If the trade is stopped, you will lose 1,000$ which is 1% of your balance.
This trade will require 2,500$ = 2.5% of your balance.
This's just an example. Your trading balance and leverage provided by your broker may differ from this formula. The most important is to stick to the 1% risk rule. Never risk too much in one trade. It's a fatal mistake when a trader lose 2 or 3 trades in a row, then he will be confident that his next trade will be winning and he may add more money to this trade. This's how you can blow up your account in a short time! A disciplined trader should never let his emotions and greed control his decisions.
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* First: Choose one pair from the platform.
* Second: Try to use Technical And Fundamental Analysis to predict Friday's closing price for this pair.
* Third: Write down in an email the following data:
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3) The Choosen Pair
4) The Predicted Price
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* Fourth: Send this emails at If at any time you need assistance please click on the Live Chat button on the right menu and one of our customer support staff will help you through the process.
Forex traders often look at indicators such as Bollinger Bands, Pivot Points, MACD, Moving Averages and the such to help them determine where to enter or exit trades. Using technical indicators is fine, however many traders overemphasize their importance or just plain misunderstand them.
Many forex traders think that they can simply download an indicator and then mechanically apply it into their trading and do so profitably. This is just a plain illusion. Successful traders realize that there is a lot more to using indicators than just asking them to generate buy/sell signals or pin-point exact entry points. Technical indicators for them represent just one part of their trading strategy.
Let¡¯s take a look at some of the reasons why you should not put all your faith into those sometimes confusing little indicators.
Take Moving Averages (MA¡¯s) for example. They are "supposed" to show the direction of the trend. The most common and often used are the simple 200day MA, 100day MA, 50day MA, 35day MA and the 21day MA but they are only valid on daily graphs. Some forex day traders say that a good signal is when the 50day MA is crossed by the 13day MA and that when this occurs you should trade in the direction of the cross.
The problem with this (apart from the fact that it only works on daily graphs) is that these types of ¡°crosses¡± do not occur often enough for traders to exploit them. This can often lead to a situation where traders are seeing what they thought was a cross now reverse and uncross. Even worse, it can lead to a situation where day traders are "chasing" and trying to anticipate a cross. If you are doing this, you are distancing yourself from the market which you are trying to trade. Not only are you trying to guess what the price is going to do next but you are guessing what the indicator, based on the prices, is going to do next.
Other problems with technical indicators involve issues with the quotes and prices given to you by your broker. Forex brokers are market makers and as such different brokers will give you different quotes and prices at a specific point in time. Naturally, a different price could lead to a situation where different traders, trading the same market have the same indicators giving them different responses. That¡¯s how arbitrary technical indicators can be.
Finally, a lot of these technical indicators were developed by people trading the stock market. With the growth of computers and software packages that incorporate these indicators, technical analysis has become very popular and spread to other markets such as the forex market.
Sigma Forex is leading European professional online trading Brokers registered in the Switzerland and most of the EU countries. It was founded by professional private investors including (banks, traders, brokers, and software developers), which enabled Sigma to identify the essential needs of the Forex participants from the start.
Since 2003, Sigma’s aim has been to provide the best, powerful and most suitable currency trading technology along with superiority in execution, competitive services, and dependable customer service. Over the past years, Sigma has quickly become one of the world’s leading online retail currency trading institutions, providing integrated global trading systems, analysis techniques and the most reliable and sophisticated online trading software. We offer internet trading through Meta Trader. This trading platform is very stable and reliable. It is highly regarded and very popular among traders.
Forex trading has a pretty long history and could be seen in ancient Middle Ages when foreign exchange just started out as international merchant bankers devised bills of exchange, which could be transfered to third-party payments that allowed flexibility and growth in foreign exchange dealings.
The modern FX market is is variable with periods of high volatility and relative stability . By the mid-1930s, London became known as the leading center for foreign exchange and the British pound served as the benchmark currency to trade and was kept as reserve currency.
After the 2nd World War, when the British economy was decimated and the United States was the only country unscathed by war, U.S. dollar ($) became the reserve currency for most of the countries . In turn, the U.S. dollar was pegged to gold at $35 per ounce. Thus, the U.S. dollar became the world's reserve currency.
To execute these goals the IMF uses such instruments as Reserve trenches, which allows a member to draw on its own reserve asset quota at the time of payment, Credit trenches drawings and stand-by arrangements. The letters are the standard form of IMF loans unlike of those as the compensatory financing facility extends financial help to countries with temporary problems generated by reductions in export revenues, the buffer stock financing facility which is geared toward assisting the stocking up on primary commodities in order to ensure price stability in a specific commodity and the extended facility designed to assist members with financial problems in amounts or for periods exceeding the scope of the other facilities.
At the end of the 70-s the free-floating of currencies was officially mandated that became the most important landmark in the history of financial markets in the XX century lead to the formation of Forex in the contemporary understanding. That is the currency may be traded by anybody and its value is a function of the current supply and demand forces in the market, and there are no specific intervention points that have to be observed. Foreign exchange has experienced spectacular growth in volume ever since currencies were allowed to float freely against each other. While the daily turnover in 1977 was U.S. $5 billion, it increased to U.S. $600 billion in 1987, reached the U.S. $1 trillion mark in September 1992, and stabilized at around $1.5 trillion by the year 2000.
Main factors influences on this spectacular growth in volume are mentioned below. A significant role belonged to the increased volatility of currencies rates, growing mutual influence of different economies on bank-rates established by central banks, which affect essentially currencies exchange rates, more intense competition on goods markets and, at the same time, amalgamation of the corporations of different countries, technological revolution in the sphere of the currencies trading. The latter exposed in the development of automated dealing systems and the transition to the currency trading by means of the Internet. In addition to the dealing systems, matching systems simultaneously connect all traders around the world, electronically duplicating the brokers' market.
Advances in technology, computer software, and telecommunications and increased experience have increased the level of traders' sophistication, their ability to both generate profits and properly handle the exchange risks. Therefore, trading sophistication led toward volume increase.
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All current and new clients are eligible to participate in this program. Qualifying clients earn up to 5% bonus credit on all new deposits received and credited to the account before the close of business day 31 December 2008.
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SigmaForex | 3 Advantages of the Short-Term Forex Trading
3 comments Posted by sara carter at 2:01 AMTrading on the short-term periods at the Forex market is often considered a more popular practice than the long-term trading. In short-term trades your positions usually don't last longer than a day, while in the long-term trading they can remain open for years. Although, I prefer to trade on the long-term charts and hold my positions open for the long periods of time, the short-term Forex trading has its advantages:
1. You can trade on thousands of opportunities when the currency rates change with a high volatility.
You can capture every swing — up or down, trade inside the ranges and channels. Even the sideways market can be traded in short-term. When you trade long-term you miss these opportunities.
2. You don't have to tie up your funds for the long periods of time.
Your margin capital is locked only for the short periods and you can even get it out of the trading account if you really need it and then put it back and continue trading without any problems. In long-term trading your money gets caught into positions for months.
3. The majority of the Forex trading signals work only for the short-term trading.
Usually both technical and fundamental signals are played out in several hours of trading on the Forex market. The number of signals and events that influence currency rates on the long-term scale is really minimal.
This is what you get if you like to trade inside the day and use such techniques as breakout trading, scalping, news trading, range trading and any other short-term strategy. Of course there are also some disadvantages in the short-term trading, but they are not the topic of this post.
Sigma devotes serious effort to serve the emerging retail segment of the Forex community. Its commitment to providing an excellent customer service, innovative currency trading technology, and dealing practices, establishes Sigma as a notable force that traders look forward to for an advanced Forex charting, Forex news, and fund safety.
Customers funds deposited with Sigma, are held and maintained separately in separated trading accounts at our partner banks. Sigma also provides its customers a variety of account plans, and services to choose from when creating or adjusting a profile.
The professionals at Sigma are dedicated to providing the guidance you need to accomplish your investment objectives.
Labels: Foreign exchange market, forex, money, Short-Term Trading, sigma forex, trade
Understand This Equation for Success and Win in SigmaForex
3 comments Posted by sara carter at 7:17 PM
Most forex traders lose and the reason they do, is they don't understand the simple equation for forex trading success enclosed in this article.
So learn it as part of your forex trading education and get on the road to currency trading success. Here is the equation and we will discuss its significance in a moment. Robust Logical System + Confidence in = Discipline to Apply = Forex Trading Success Now that's nice and simple - but most traders fail to understand it's significance.
Of course, some traders simply get the wrong forex education, try and apply it and lose - here are some common beliefs of losing traders: - Believing forex day trading or scalping works - Believing prices move to a scientific formula - Trying to predict forex prices in advance - Trusting their money to a forex robot with a simulated, paper track record Believe any of the above and you will lose at forex trading. To win you must understand that having a logical robust forex trading system is not enough, you have to apply it with discipline.
This means you must have confidence in the logic, because you are going to have to apply it with discipline and remember - if you can't apply your forex trading system with discipline, you don't have a system! Most traders hear about the word discipline but have no idea what it means and how important it is and it's a hard trait to acquire. You need to hold your discipline when your trading system is taking loss and after loss (this happens to even the best traders) and keep executing you're trading system with discipline. In a famous experiment, David Carter taught a group of traders who had never traded before to trade and he did it in 14 days.
The trading system taught was basically simple (a long term breakout system) but Carter didn't just tell them to follow it blindly - he taught them to have confidence in the logic, so they would have the discipline to apply it. The result was stunning - these traders made over $100 million dollars in just 4 years and went down as trading legends.
When Carter taught the group, he knew the importance of mindset and sticking with a plan through short term losing periods, to make long term profits and you must to. Discipline is not easy, but if you get the right forex trading education and have the right mindset, you can enjoy forex trading success and you will be doing what over 90% of traders fail to do. The rewards in forex trading are huge and you can generate a great second or life changing income, you must however be prepared to take your losses to get your profits. All successful traders know this and you must to.
In most cases, a pip is equal to .01% of the quote currency, thus, 10,000 pips = 1 unit of currency. In USD, 100 pips = 1 penny, and 10,000 pips = $1. A well known exception is for the Japanese yen (JPY) in which a pip is worth 1% of the yen, because the yen has little value compared to other currencies. Since there are about 120 yen to 1 USD, a pip in USD is close in value to a pip in JPY. (See Currency Quotes; Pips; Bid/Ask Quotes; Cross Currency Quotes for an introduction.) Because the quote currency of a currency pair is the quoted price (hence, the name), the value of the pip is in the quote currency. So, for instance, for EUR/USD, the pip is equal to 0.0001 USD, but for USD/EUR, the pip is equal to 0.0001 Euro. If the conversion rate for Euros to dollars is 1.35, then a Euro pip = 0.000135 dollars.
Converting Profits and Losses in Pips to USD
To calculate your profits and losses in pips to your native currency, you must convert the pip value to your native currency. The following calculations will be shown using USD as an example. When you close a trade, the profit or loss is initially expressed in the pip value of the quoted currency. To determine the total profit or loss, you must multiply the pip difference between the open price and closing price by the number of units of currency traded. This yields the total pip difference between the opening and closing transaction. If the pip value is USD, then the profit or loss is expressed in USD, but if USD is the base currency, then the pip value must be converted to USD, which can be found by dividing the total pip profit or loss by the conversion rate.
Example—Converting Pip Values to USD.
You buy 10,000 Canadian dollars with USD, with conversion rate USD/CAD = 1.100. Subsequently, you sell your Canadian dollars for 1.1200, yielding a profit of 200 pips in Canadian dollars. Because USD is the base currency, you can get the value in USD by dividing the value by the exit price of 1.12. 10,000 CAD x 200 pips = 2,000,000 pips total. Since 2,000,000 pips = 200 Canadian dollars, your profit in USD is 200/1.12 = 178.57 USD.
For a cross pair not involving USD, the pip value must be converted by the rate that was applicable at the time of the closing transaction. To find that rate, you would look at the quote for the USD/pip currency pair, then multiply the pip value by this rate, or if you only have the quote for the pip currency/USD, then you divide by the rate.
Example—Calculating Profits for a Cross Currency Pair
You buy 100,000 units of EUR/JPY = 164.09 and sell when EUR/JPY = 164.10, and USD/JPY = 121.35. Profit in JPY pips = 164.10 – 164.09 = .01 yen = 1 pip (Remember the yen exception: 1 JPY pip = .01 yen.) Total Profit in JPY pips = 1 x 100,000 = 100,000 pips.Total Profit in Yen = 100,000 pips/100 = 1,000 Yen Because you only have the quote for USD/JPY = 121.35, to get profit in USD, you divide by the quote currency’s conversion rate:
Total Profit in USD = 1,000/121.35 = 8.24 USD.
Labels: Converting, currency, pair, pip, Pip Values, profits, USD
What Is Hedging ?
Basically, hedging involves the buying (or selling) of currency pair(s) in order to protect the hedger against unwanted currency fluctuations. Traditionally, hedging was used to protect the profits of multinational companies from unfavourable currency fluctuations.Hedging is a great way for these companies to protect their profits, but unfortunately many inexperienced Forex traders have incorrectly applied the same principles to their trading activities.Here’s how a Forex trader may try to hedge his position:Imagine that I buy the EUR/USD currency pair, and the market immediately moves against my position (i.e. prices went down). At this moment, I would be facing an unrealized loss. In order to ‘protect’ myself against further losses, I might sell the EUR/JPY currency pair in the hopes that any gain in the latter pair will partially offset the losses of the former pair.Essentially, I’ll be holding on to two simultaneous ‘long’ and ‘short’ positions for the Euro currency. Hedgers hope that the results of both positions will partially cancel each other out.
Why Hedging is A Bad Idea for Retail Traders ?
This method of hedging is a deathtrap waiting to spring. The original purpose of a hedge was to reduce the uncertainty of company profits.To the retail trader, however, this does the exact opposite!Such a hedging strategy simply leaves too many factors open to risk. Although the Euro price fluctuations may be some what muted, the ‘retail hedger’ now has worry about the USD and JPY currencies too! The EUR/USD and EUR/JPY pairs are not highly correlated and may end up causing an even larger total loss in the end.Many people like to hedge because they don’t want to admit that they made a bad trading decision. They try to ‘safely’ hold on to a losing position for as long as possible in this manner, but don’t realize that they’re actually exposing themselves to even greater risks!
Read more in SigmaForex
Labels: currencies, currency, Hedge, Hedging, loose, Order, pair, position, profits, sigma, sigma forex, sigmaforex, traders
How does the SHI Channel indicator work?
The SHI Channel indicator and as the all of the channel indicator uses the highest high and lowest low of the price to determine the upper and lower bands of the channel.In the SHI Channel The channel is calculated according to the given period of calculation and the time frame of the used chart, and the channel is self-adjusted (Like the Bollinger Bands).As you see in figure 1 there are two thick lines that indicates the upper and lower channel and a dashed center line.
The channel gives the overall direction of the price movement - up or down - and may change from time to time, specially if it used with a low timeframe (1, 5 and 5 minutes).
How to trade using the SHI Channel indicator?
Actually you can’t trade with the SHI Channel indicator alone, it will not tell you when to enter the trade neither when to exit, The SHI Channel indicator telling you the overall direction of the price trend and the channels with the middle line warn you how much the trend is strong or weak, however , you have to use another indicators to generate the entry/exit signals
So.. for entry and exit.. i will use chart pattern.. you don't have to be an expert in chart pattern.. to make hundred bucks a month in fx.. i only focus on double top or bottom pattern, head n shoulder pattern, inverse Head n Shoulder, Ascending and descending triangle (the breakout of these triangle at 4h can give you about 400 pips)
Labels: indicator, indicators, shi channel, sigma, sigma forex, sigmaforex, signals, trend
Technical Analysis is probably the most common and successful means of making trading decisions and analyzing forex and commodities markets.
Technical analysis differs from fundamental analysis in that technical analysis is applied only to the price action of the market, ignoring fundamental factors. As fundamental data can often provide only a long-term or "delayed" forecast of exchange rate movements, technical analysis has become the primary tool with which to successfully trade shorter-term price movements, and to set stop loss and profit targets.
Technical analysis consists primarily of a variety of technical studies, each of which can be interpreted to generate buy and sell signals or to predict market direction. Please see our Technical Studies page for a detailed description of these studies and their uses.
One use of technical analysis, apart from technical studies, is in deriving "support" and "resistance" levels. The concept here is that the market will tend to trade above its support levels and trade below its resistance levels. If a support or resistance level is broken, the market is then expected to follow through in that direction. These levels are determined by analyzing the chart and assessing where the market has encountered unbroken support or resistance in the past.
For example, in chart below EURUSD has established a resistance level at approximately .9015. In other words, EURUSD has risen up to .9015 repeatedly, but has been unable to move above that point:
The trading strategy would then be to sell EURUSD the next time it gets close to .9015, with a stop placed just above .9015, say at .9025. This would have indeed been a good trade as EURUSD proceeded to fall sharply, without breaking the .9015 resistance. Hence a substantial upside can be achieved while only risking 10 or 15 pips (.0010 or .0015 in EURUSD).
On GCI's integrated charting system (GCI Multi-Currency Charts), the red support line shown above can be drawn by clicking on the "Trend" button at the top of the chart window, and then drawing a line by clicking the mouse once at the beginning of the line, and again at the end of the line.
Labels: Fundamental Analysis, profit, sigma, sigma forex, sigmaforex, Strategy, technical analysis
There are certain features that make forex trading extremely appealing to individual traders as well as to other financial institutions and banks. These are:
- The market is open for 24 hours and for 5½ days in a week.
- It offers highest liquidity with ease of transaction with almost all major currencies of the world.
- Widespread volatile presenting huge profit opportunities.
- Can potentially cover risk exposures with various standalone instruments.
- You earn profit from rates going up as well as down.
- Good leverage with low margin requirements present high profit potential.
- Various options available for zero-commission trading.
How Price is Quoted
In forex trading , currency prices are always quoted in pairs. For example, on a particular date, the rate of EUR/USD is 1.0856 and if you buy 1000 Euros on that particular date, you will have to pay 1085.60 U.S. dollars. But, at a later date if this rate becomes 1.2082, which implies that the value of euro increased in relation to the USD, you can sell 1000 Euros and will receive 1208.20 dollars.
Therefore, you make a net profit of $122.60. So, as an investor, your aim should be to buy currencies at low price and sell those in future in higher prices. If you buy or sell a currency but do not sell or buy back the equivalent amount, it would be referred as open trade or open position.
Major Currencies Traded in Forex
In Forex trading, most of the currencies are traded against USD. The other prominent currencies are Euro or EUR, the Japanese yen or JPY, the British pound sterling or GBP, and Swiss franc or CHF. These five currencies are known as the Majors. The pairs are quoted like USD/EUR or CHF/JPY, where the first one is referred to as the base and the second as the counter or quote currency. The value of the base currency is always 1. All trading is done with currency pairs.
Prices in Forex are quoted to the fourth decimal point (leaving JPY, which is quoted till second decimal point) and in pips or percentage in point. It is the smallest price increment and one pip is equal to 0.0001. When the bid for EUR/USD is 1.0856 and offered rate is 1.0859, it has a spread of 3 pips. Spread, in simple terms, is the difference between the bid and the ask price. The forex market is mainly operated by the brokers who do not charge a commission for their services. And, it is the spread with which they make their profit. For investors, therefore, the lower the spreads the more saving is made.
Margin is the minimum security that ensures that the investor can pay back the amount in case of losses. It is a deposit that covers any future currency trading losses. With margin, you can hold larger positions than you have in your account.
The concept of leverage is also quite common in forex trading, which is the ratio of total available capital to actual capital. If, for example, the leverage is said to be 200:1, it means the Forex broker will lend you $200 for every $1 of your actual capital investment. Though leverage is very important for your trading, higher leverage exposes your investment to higher risks.
Common Methods of Forex Trading
There are three methods for common investors to trade in forex market. They are through the spot market, the forwards and futures market, and the options.
- Spot is the simple currency exchange processes. Here, the settlement date is the second business day after the day the deal or trade is struck.
- Forward transaction is the process where the deal is for more than two days. Future is a type of forward contract, which has fixed currency amounts as well as fixed maturity dates. These are traded in future exchanges and not through general foreign exchange market.
- Options is the process in which fixed currency transactions are carried out with mentioning some specific future date.
Risk Factors in Forex Trading
Although forex trading is extremely lucrative, it has several risk factors involved. Those are risks involving currency exchange rate, interest rate, and risks with credit and country. The average lifespan of a typical trade varies from 2 to 7 days. There are technical and fundamental indicators, which are to be consulted to decide the entry, exit, and other decisions, like order placement etc. You should have solid risk management features and disciplined trading strategies to earn profit in forex trading without risking your investment.